There was a time were I could lace up my tennis shoes, head out the door and run a mile without breaking into a sweat.
Well, those days are gone….
A couple of months ago, I decided that I was going to try the Couch to 5K and get myself running again.
A bad back, dead nerves from my neck on down, and asthma are a temporary damper to my hopes of joining the likes of Forrest Gump and running.
I will try again, I’m sure, but for now, I’m hanging up my running shoes . :/
Awhile back, I was reading something about Jillian Michael’s 30 Day Shred DVD. So I do what I usually do to see more reviews and checked Amazon out to see what folks have said about it.
Well...with 4.5 stars and 2,9995 reviews I decided that it was worth a shot. Target happens to sell the DVD for less than $10 so I went straight to Target and bought a copy.
When I read the DVD case I thought “cool, 20 minutes a day. EASY!”
Um….I was soooo wrong! About 10 minutes into the workout on the first day, I thought my legs were going to fall off and I felt like passing out. Seriously. Jillian Michaels is unforgiving. She chides you even through the video. Sure, I could have turned the DVD off, but something just made me want to prove myself to Jillian. Darn you Jillian Michaels for your motivation. ;)
The next morning, I could hardly walk up and down the stairs, but I forced myself to do the workout. I had to convince myself that it was only 20 minutes so DO IT…though it felt more like 2 hours of workout.
The third day was a break day. Mostly because the soreness in my legs made me walk like Frankenstein.
This morning, I woke up pain free and was excited to do the workout. It was a satisfying feeling to complete the workout without feeling like I wanted to roll up in a ball and cry! I know she mentioned in the video that after a few days it wouldn’t be so hard, but I thought she was lying!
I am determined to keep my new routine – waking up at 6 am to do the workout.
Can you check on me to make sure I am staying on track?
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